We have been spending the past few days putting the final touches and getting everything organized before our departure on Tuesday. We had a great relaxing weekend with Graeme and Bev who cam over from Auckland. It was nice to have some good company and not worry about boat projects for a few days! Today will be finishing up every last minute project we have and packing the boat with all the fresh food we will need/ can pack on the boat. Our goal is to get as much done today so we don’t have to rush around tomorrow. We want to make Tuesday as stress free as possible. We won’t be taking off until late morning, around noon. that gives us time to sleep in, eat a nice breakfast and put last minute touches on everything. This is a picture of our boat riddled with labels off of cans. We take them off so if the cans do end up getting wet and the labels come off they don’t end up clogging up the bilge and making a huge mess.
Here is Kevin working on our outboard motor for our dingy. a very important piece of equipment.
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