Sunday, November 27, 2011

Liz's Post Thanksgiving post

We got a "Happy Thanksgiving" call from Katie and Kevin just before sitting down for our turkey dinner.  So good to hear from them.  They had gone through a period of relative calm- which was good for getting out on deck, cooking some food, and, most importantly- taking a shower!  However, not much wind= not much progress. 

Yesterday, November 26, we got another call.  Tom answered the phone.  "I have to talk to Mom," Katie proclaimed.  Tom handed me the phone.  Katie began the conversation with "Mom, I have a question."  With those 5 words, my heart always skips a beat.  (My mind races, expecting the question to be something like:  "What should I do if I cannot find Kevin?" or "How should I treat a severe sunburn?" or maybe  "How do you cook a 400 lb tuna?")  I take a deep breath and respond, "OK, what is your question?"  Here it is.  This is what she called to ask from the middle of the Pacific Ocean........."Can you give me the recipe for chocolate chip cookies?"  After I let out a sigh of relief and rattled off the recipe, I asked her how she planned to bake those cookies.  As it turns out, she did not plan to bake them at all.  They were going to celebrate the holiday with a batch of chocolate chip cookie dough!

Then, with another gale starting to hit the boat, we hung up.  Here is hoping that they did not get sick!

Catch you at another lat/long coordinate....

K & K's Pre-Thanksgiving post

To all those who might be wondering about the fate of your seagoing friends:
   As you know, we departed Napier with a strong northerly, which soon shifted south, then back to the north the following day, and became somewhat of a small gale. We ran with it for several hours before it eased off and we were able to put the boat back on track. We were on track for about 12 hours before a southerly gale found us. The weather hasn't been terrible, but it leaves us with only two choices: 
1. run with it, or 2. stop all together.  With the crazy weather at these latitudes, we have decided to run north with this system to try and find more westerly winds.
We are hoping that we run out of the gale activity in the near future as it is getting pretty old! We have both fallen victims to “rack back” and are getting bored of reading and watching movies and occasionally risking a soaking to peek out of the hatch for a look around. Our diet in these conditions is also less than exciting. Mostly made up of bread rolls, fresh fruit, and some pepparoni sticks. Actually cooking something does not sound appealing at the moment! But, with all of that going on-all is well on board; we are healthy and happy for the most part (slight seasickness aside!).

Monday, November 21, 2011

First "underway" update- by guest blogger

The Captain (Kevin)and Crew (Katie) of the SV Pahto have graciously invited me, Liz Burck (Katie’s Mom) to contribute as a guest blogger to the “Escapades of the Pahto” blog site.  My pleasure. (As long as I can write about their experiences vicariously from my dry, inert couch with a cup of hot coffee in my hand, I’m in!)
As you know, the Pahto, with two souls aboard, sailed from Napier, New Zealand on Monday, November 14 (U.S.).  They hoisted sail on a beautiful afternoon and headed east at about 40 degrees south latitude. 
They had spent the prior few weeks in Napier preparing the boat.  They repaired and/or replaced instruments, tested and retested equipment, and gave her a fresh coat of both paint and varnish. Fresh water and food items were the two packing priorities – and filled every available nook and cranny. The laptop computer had been downloaded with 416 movies and books (give or take!!).  The Captain and Crew got in one final hot shower and, with that, the Pahto- and her crew- were ready for the next sailing adventure!
They said good-bye to the friends they knew- and those they had met while there- from the dock.  But another friend (an older gentleman sailor) jumped into his sailboat and escorted them out to sea.  What a great way to start the trip!
But, within 24 hours, they encountered weather that was less than ideal.  Staying below deck afforded them dry quarters- but no relief from the rolling seas. I am sure that Kevin hardly noticed; but Katie admitted to getting sick those first few days.  Movie watching helped pass the time.  By the time we talked to them- she had acclimated and Kevin still hadn’t noticed.  HA!
We got our first SAT phone call from them on Friday evening, Nov. 18 (U.S.).  I was in the atrium of a large building when I heard my phone ring, glanced at the caller ID window (thinking it was Tom) and realized it was coming in from the Pahto!  I may have vocalized a bit loudly (OK, I screamed like a million-dollar lottery winner) ran outside the building and jumped up and down while I talked to my daughter.  I was actually talking to her on my cell phone from a crowded sidewalk in Virginia while she was 326 miles out in the Pacific Ocean on a small sailboat!  How techno-terrific is THAT!??!!?!?   Sounded like she was just down the street!
We talked again last night (Sunday in U.S.).  Weather had improved enough that they could see the sun.  Katie was even top-side when she called, instead of hanging out of the hatch to get direct line-of-sight to the communications satellite!  The forecast still calls for winds and rain….but not to worry- they still have a few more movies to watch, books to read- and plenty of potatoes and onions to eat!
So, bottom line update- weather could be better, but considering…. all is well.  They are just excited to be out there interacting with the world on a level and from a perspective that few others ever experience.  Kevin is in his niche!

Before I walk the long 33' to my kitchen to refill my coffee cup, Tom and I, along with Kevin’s parents, Dave and Jeannie, wanted to say thank you for sending your love, your “good luck” messages, and your “be safe/have fun” thoughts to the kids. K and K also asked me to say a special thank-you to all of you who sent personal emails to them before they left-they read every one of them!  And to once again repeat the big heart-felt “thank you” to the people in Australia and New Zealand who opened their homes and offered their help and support to them.  (Their parents (us) extend that same huge thanks!  They always talked about how nice everyone was while they were there……)
Catch you at another lat/long coordinate……..

Monday, November 14, 2011

Bon Voyage!

We say goodbye to New Zealand and all our wonderful friends here today.  Customs is coming down to the boat to do the final check out at 11:45 and we set sail for Chile at noon!  This morning we have taken a few moments to write one final update from land before setting sail, but as soon as we are done here we have a busy morning making last minute preparations and running last minute errands.  After the last week of rain we finally got a bright sunny day, and it could not have come at a better time!!  It makes leaving land easier when you aren't already wet!

When we leave here we are aiming to get to Puerto Williams, Chile, the southern most town in the world.  We are hoping to make landfall in 45 days, but that is all weather dependent.  We made our final stores run yesterday and got all the fresh food we will take, lots of potatoes and onions!  We would like to Thanks everyone here in New Zealand for all the support and help that we have received over the past few weeks and months that our boat has been down here.  We will see you all again in the near future!!

keep checking the blog while we are away from land because my parents have generously offered to post updates from us whenever they hear anything. 

More random pictures from Australia and New Zealand…

P1010302P1010310Dragging our anchor line to clean all the rust off.

Our first Kangaroo sighting! P9290238 2




Sunday, November 13, 2011

Finally some pictures!

P1010302From the top of Tamata Peak in Hawks Bay. P1010304P1010307P1010303


Kevin Graeme and Bev having an afternoon beer at “the Rose”

Final Days…



We have been spending the past few days putting the final touches and getting everything organized before our departure on Tuesday.  We had a great relaxing weekend with Graeme and Bev who cam over from Auckland.  It was nice to have some good company and not worry about boat projects for a few days!  Today will be finishing up every last minute project we have and packing the boat with all the fresh food we will need/ can pack on the boat.  Our goal is to get as much done today so we don’t have to rush around tomorrow.  We want to make Tuesday as stress free as possible.  We won’t be taking off until late morning, around noon.  that gives us time to sleep in, eat a nice breakfast and put last minute touches on everything.  P1010296This is a picture of our boat riddled with labels off of cans.  We take them off so if the cans do end up getting wet and the labels come off they don’t end up clogging up the bilge and making a huge mess.  P1010301Here is Kevin working on our outboard motor for our dingy.  a very important piece of equipment.